Reservoir Travel Wadaslintang
Travel Wadaslintang reservoir in the form of dams or reservoirs located in part in Kebumen and Wonosobo.
Wadaslintang is a district in Wonosobo. Wadaslintang directly adjacent to Kebumen. Wadaslintang has several attractions which are attractive and desirable.PLACES TOUR Wadaslintang AMONG OTHERS IN RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
waduk_dkt_kaligowongWaduk Wadaslintang have enough visitors crowded coming from Wadaslintang District residents and tourists who come from outside the District Wadaslintang. Travelers who come from outside the District Wadaslintang often comes to fishing. The travelers often stay at Reservoir Wadaslintang even for days by setting up tents in Reservoir Wadaslintang. Travelers who come in Reservoir Wadaslintang will be more crowded on holidays, including Sundays. This proves that the reservoir Wadaslintang actually serves as a place of entertainment by Wadaslintang citizens and citizens from outside Wadaslintang. In addition to fishing tour, visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang can do other tours such as boat tours.
In general there is a reservoir Wadaslintang engine boats and rowboats. Travelers on Reservoir Wadaslintang can rent a rowboat on a daily basis or can be motorized boat ride with paying pertrip person. Another type of boat that is a rubber boat itself is usually taken by tourists Reservoir Wadaslintang.ACCESS SIGN IN RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Go to the general Wadaslintang Reservoir can be reached from the direction of the direction of Kebumen and Wonosobo. From the direction of Kebumen, Wadaslintang Reservoir can be reached in two ways. The first way is to reach the reservoir Wadaslintang through Kewedusan, Kebumen. From Kewedusan with motorcycles can reach Reservoir Wadaslintang takes about 25 minutes. The road from Kewedusan - Reservoir Wadaslintang meander left and right gorge. Traveler to the seeked Reservoir Wadaslintang this needs to be careful that when visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang want more sloping lines should visit the reservoir Wadaslintang of Kebumen direction through Prembun - Reservoir Wadaslintang. waduk_wadaslintang_6Dengan this path, visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang take longer. This occurs because the route taken is Kebumen - Prembun - Reservoir Wadaslintang where latency of Kebumen until Reservoir Wadaslintang approximately one hour. While visitors from the reservoir Wadaslintang can Wonosobo through Sawangan -Kaliwiro -Wadaslintang - Reservoir Wadaslintang.RESERVOIR AREA flooded Wadaslintang
Generally reservoirs inundate the region Wadaslintang incoming precisely in the District of Wonosobo regency Wadaslintang. But also inundate Wadaslintang Reservoir area entered the district of Kebumen with total area of land affected by the inundation reached 2,626 ha. Areas in the district Wadaslintang stagnant among others: - The village Sumbersari districts Wadaslintang - Village Kaliasat District of Wadaslintang - Sumberejo Village District of Wadaslintang While the area flooded by the incoming Kebumen are: - Village Padureso who first entered the District Prembun (now entering the District Padureso) - ff Village Another -desa stagnant reservoir Wadaslintang totaled 9 (nine) village.PUDDLE AFFECTED AREA CONDITIONS BEFORE RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang originally a village in the district and some villages Wadaslintang incoming Kebumen. At the reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang there are also roads that still a dirt road or cobbled streets (onderlagh). At the reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang there are also fields as well as fields of population. At the Wadaslintang reservoir inundation areas inhabited village with 7000 inhabitants number of heads. At the time before the dam Wadaslintang contains puddles, residents evacuate in advance. Some are displaced in areas of dry still in District Wadaslintang and some fled the District of Wadaslintang. There's even out of the island, one of them to Bengkulu as a homesteader.DEFINITION OF THE TECHNICAL RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoirs could also be called Dam Wadaslintang which in this case is different ari with a weir. Reservoirs or dams technical means such as raising the water level to accommodate the river water so that it can be used for certain purposes.
Understanding weir (different from the dam) is to raise the water level of the river for the purpose of deflecting the flow. In the case of Reservoir Wadaslintang, surface water is collected and is not to be deflected, thereby Dam Wadaslintang called dams or reservoirs, but not the weir.BENEFITS OF RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoir built with the aim of several functions, among others: bendungan_wadaslintang_1As Tourist Destination
Wadaslintang reservoir into a tourist destination Wadaslintang society and from outside Wadaslintang as described above. Relation to the tourist destination, Reservoir Wadaslintang very crowded in social media such as facebook and twitter.Irrigation
Wadaslintang reservoir can hold water where excess water flowed further in accordance with the required discharge for agricultural irrigation. In the dry season the water from the reservoir Wadaslintang piped and serve as irrigation water.Power plant
Wadaslintang reservoirs also serve as power plants, discharge that comes out is used as the player turbines that generate electricity.Fishery
At Reservoir Wadaslintang puddles littered fingerlings were finally able harvested after as a source of nutritious food for people around the reservoir Wadaslintang. At Reservoir Wadaslintang also a fishery system of cages conducted in a professional manner so as to absorb the workforce around the reservoir Wadaslintang including from the village Kaligowong, both produce fish that can be consumed by people around the reservoir Wadaslintang either by way of catching around the cage as well as a way to buy the catch others. Surrounding communities are doing a lot of work to catch fish and then sell. Thus Reservoir Wadaslintang provide business opportunities for the surrounding communities.Wadaslintang as flood retention reservoir
Water discharge in the upstream reservoir Wadaslintang and other rivers around quite large at the moment and will be dangerous flooding. With the Wadaslintang Reservoir dam flood discharge retained on Wadaslintang, thus the flood flows accommodated in the reservoir Wadaslintang and not harm the area underneath.Wadaslintang as water storage reservoirs
The water in the watershed above the dam Wadaslintang will be accommodated in the reservoir Wadaslintang. The pitcher water can be used in times of water shortage zaat by way of running it as necessary. Thus in times of drought or infrequent water reservoir, the water pitcher on Wadaslintang can be utilized.FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoirs built during the administration of President Soeharto, precisely Wadaslintang reservoir was built in 1982 and was completed in 1988. Thus Wadaslintang reservoir construction period is seven (7) years.TECHNICAL CONDITIONS AND CONTRACTOR OF IMPLEMENTING RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
During the reservoir construction Wadaslintang done by Hydro Resource Corporation Philippines, in cooperation with PT Brantas Abipraya of Indonesia. Wadaslintang reservoir inaugurated by President Soeharto in 1988. The technical condition of the reservoir Wadaslintang: -High reservoir Wadaslintang: 116 m-wide reservoir Wadaslintang: 10 m (width of the top, while further down the width increases) - Reservoir Wadaslintang Length: 650 m -Waduk Wadaslintang irrigate width: 30 345 hectares in the district. Kebumen and Kab. PurworejoELEVATION CHANGE OF WATER RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
If you want to travel to the reservoir Wadaslintang, you can choose the right time for yourself because of different circumstances Wadaslintang Reservoir according to the season. For example the rainy season, this season Wadaslintang reservoir water level is high enough to overflow into the spillway. Conversely when the dry reservoir water level Wadaslintang will be reduced. Difference in water level in the reservoir due to differences Wadaslintang Reservoir Wadaslintang debit entry and exit water reservoir Wadaslintang. In the rainy season the water flow entering Wadaslintang reservoir large enough volume of water released when compared Wadaslintang reservoir. Thus there is an excess of water in the reservoir Wadaslintang which will then be disposed of through the reservoir spillway Wadaslintang. But during the dry season, discharge issued Wadaslintang Reservoir more than the flow of water entering the reservoir Wadaslintang. Thus, the reservoir water surface elevation Wadaslintang will decrease.
Travel Wadaslintang reservoir in the form of dams or reservoirs located in part in Kebumen and Wonosobo.
Wadaslintang is a district in Wonosobo. Wadaslintang directly adjacent to Kebumen. Wadaslintang has several attractions which are attractive and desirable.PLACES TOUR Wadaslintang AMONG OTHERS IN RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
waduk_dkt_kaligowongWaduk Wadaslintang have enough visitors crowded coming from Wadaslintang District residents and tourists who come from outside the District Wadaslintang. Travelers who come from outside the District Wadaslintang often comes to fishing. The travelers often stay at Reservoir Wadaslintang even for days by setting up tents in Reservoir Wadaslintang. Travelers who come in Reservoir Wadaslintang will be more crowded on holidays, including Sundays. This proves that the reservoir Wadaslintang actually serves as a place of entertainment by Wadaslintang citizens and citizens from outside Wadaslintang. In addition to fishing tour, visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang can do other tours such as boat tours.
In general there is a reservoir Wadaslintang engine boats and rowboats. Travelers on Reservoir Wadaslintang can rent a rowboat on a daily basis or can be motorized boat ride with paying pertrip person. Another type of boat that is a rubber boat itself is usually taken by tourists Reservoir Wadaslintang.ACCESS SIGN IN RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Go to the general Wadaslintang Reservoir can be reached from the direction of the direction of Kebumen and Wonosobo. From the direction of Kebumen, Wadaslintang Reservoir can be reached in two ways. The first way is to reach the reservoir Wadaslintang through Kewedusan, Kebumen. From Kewedusan with motorcycles can reach Reservoir Wadaslintang takes about 25 minutes. The road from Kewedusan - Reservoir Wadaslintang meander left and right gorge. Traveler to the seeked Reservoir Wadaslintang this needs to be careful that when visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang want more sloping lines should visit the reservoir Wadaslintang of Kebumen direction through Prembun - Reservoir Wadaslintang. waduk_wadaslintang_6Dengan this path, visitors Reservoir Wadaslintang take longer. This occurs because the route taken is Kebumen - Prembun - Reservoir Wadaslintang where latency of Kebumen until Reservoir Wadaslintang approximately one hour. While visitors from the reservoir Wadaslintang can Wonosobo through Sawangan -Kaliwiro -Wadaslintang - Reservoir Wadaslintang.RESERVOIR AREA flooded Wadaslintang
Generally reservoirs inundate the region Wadaslintang incoming precisely in the District of Wonosobo regency Wadaslintang. But also inundate Wadaslintang Reservoir area entered the district of Kebumen with total area of land affected by the inundation reached 2,626 ha. Areas in the district Wadaslintang stagnant among others: - The village Sumbersari districts Wadaslintang - Village Kaliasat District of Wadaslintang - Sumberejo Village District of Wadaslintang While the area flooded by the incoming Kebumen are: - Village Padureso who first entered the District Prembun (now entering the District Padureso) - ff Village Another -desa stagnant reservoir Wadaslintang totaled 9 (nine) village.PUDDLE AFFECTED AREA CONDITIONS BEFORE RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang originally a village in the district and some villages Wadaslintang incoming Kebumen. At the reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang there are also roads that still a dirt road or cobbled streets (onderlagh). At the reservoir inundation area Wadaslintang there are also fields as well as fields of population. At the Wadaslintang reservoir inundation areas inhabited village with 7000 inhabitants number of heads. At the time before the dam Wadaslintang contains puddles, residents evacuate in advance. Some are displaced in areas of dry still in District Wadaslintang and some fled the District of Wadaslintang. There's even out of the island, one of them to Bengkulu as a homesteader.DEFINITION OF THE TECHNICAL RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoirs could also be called Dam Wadaslintang which in this case is different ari with a weir. Reservoirs or dams technical means such as raising the water level to accommodate the river water so that it can be used for certain purposes.
Understanding weir (different from the dam) is to raise the water level of the river for the purpose of deflecting the flow. In the case of Reservoir Wadaslintang, surface water is collected and is not to be deflected, thereby Dam Wadaslintang called dams or reservoirs, but not the weir.BENEFITS OF RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoir built with the aim of several functions, among others: bendungan_wadaslintang_1As Tourist Destination
Wadaslintang reservoir into a tourist destination Wadaslintang society and from outside Wadaslintang as described above. Relation to the tourist destination, Reservoir Wadaslintang very crowded in social media such as facebook and twitter.Irrigation
Wadaslintang reservoir can hold water where excess water flowed further in accordance with the required discharge for agricultural irrigation. In the dry season the water from the reservoir Wadaslintang piped and serve as irrigation water.Power plant
Wadaslintang reservoirs also serve as power plants, discharge that comes out is used as the player turbines that generate electricity.Fishery
At Reservoir Wadaslintang puddles littered fingerlings were finally able harvested after as a source of nutritious food for people around the reservoir Wadaslintang. At Reservoir Wadaslintang also a fishery system of cages conducted in a professional manner so as to absorb the workforce around the reservoir Wadaslintang including from the village Kaligowong, both produce fish that can be consumed by people around the reservoir Wadaslintang either by way of catching around the cage as well as a way to buy the catch others. Surrounding communities are doing a lot of work to catch fish and then sell. Thus Reservoir Wadaslintang provide business opportunities for the surrounding communities.Wadaslintang as flood retention reservoir
Water discharge in the upstream reservoir Wadaslintang and other rivers around quite large at the moment and will be dangerous flooding. With the Wadaslintang Reservoir dam flood discharge retained on Wadaslintang, thus the flood flows accommodated in the reservoir Wadaslintang and not harm the area underneath.Wadaslintang as water storage reservoirs
The water in the watershed above the dam Wadaslintang will be accommodated in the reservoir Wadaslintang. The pitcher water can be used in times of water shortage zaat by way of running it as necessary. Thus in times of drought or infrequent water reservoir, the water pitcher on Wadaslintang can be utilized.FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
Wadaslintang reservoirs built during the administration of President Soeharto, precisely Wadaslintang reservoir was built in 1982 and was completed in 1988. Thus Wadaslintang reservoir construction period is seven (7) years.TECHNICAL CONDITIONS AND CONTRACTOR OF IMPLEMENTING RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
During the reservoir construction Wadaslintang done by Hydro Resource Corporation Philippines, in cooperation with PT Brantas Abipraya of Indonesia. Wadaslintang reservoir inaugurated by President Soeharto in 1988. The technical condition of the reservoir Wadaslintang: -High reservoir Wadaslintang: 116 m-wide reservoir Wadaslintang: 10 m (width of the top, while further down the width increases) - Reservoir Wadaslintang Length: 650 m -Waduk Wadaslintang irrigate width: 30 345 hectares in the district. Kebumen and Kab. PurworejoELEVATION CHANGE OF WATER RESERVOIR Wadaslintang
If you want to travel to the reservoir Wadaslintang, you can choose the right time for yourself because of different circumstances Wadaslintang Reservoir according to the season. For example the rainy season, this season Wadaslintang reservoir water level is high enough to overflow into the spillway. Conversely when the dry reservoir water level Wadaslintang will be reduced. Difference in water level in the reservoir due to differences Wadaslintang Reservoir Wadaslintang debit entry and exit water reservoir Wadaslintang. In the rainy season the water flow entering Wadaslintang reservoir large enough volume of water released when compared Wadaslintang reservoir. Thus there is an excess of water in the reservoir Wadaslintang which will then be disposed of through the reservoir spillway Wadaslintang. But during the dry season, discharge issued Wadaslintang Reservoir more than the flow of water entering the reservoir Wadaslintang. Thus, the reservoir water surface elevation Wadaslintang will decrease.